Compare clinics in Helsingborg that carry out Corona tests

Find clinics in Helsingborg where you can be tested for COVID-19 (PCR, antigen, and antibody) with a travel certificate. We list clinics and their prices so you can focus on getting the best price at a location near you.

iDr-Kliniken Helsingborg (Svea Vaccin) logo

iDr-Kliniken Helsingborg (Svea Vaccin)

Järnvägsgatan 43
Antigen SEK 495
  • Ordinary PCR test (SEK 950) results within 36 hours. Book the time at least 40 hours before departure. (We recommend that you have at least a 6 hour margin). The test response time is THE DAY AFTER sampling before kl 23.00. - Express PCR test (SEK 1,200) results within 11 hours. We only accept you who have been symptom-free for at least 48 hours. Book the time at least 17 hours before departure. (We recommend that you have at least a 6 hour margin) The test response time is THE SAME DAY as sampling before kl 23.00.
See map of clinics (Beta)

Frequently asked questions

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Reach us on our contact page.
What clinics are you listing?
We list clinics in Helsingborg that offer PCR, antigen, or antibody tests with a certificate that is valid for traveling. We strive for publishing as many clinics as possible, so you can do a fair comparison between their services and prices.
I don't know what type of test I need. Can you help me?
Test requirements change frequently and depend on departure, transit, and arriving countries, as well as your nationality and residency. We recommend that you check resources like the UNWTO/IATA Destination Tracker or IATA's COVID-19 Travel Regulations Map to know more about the current restrictions for your trip. It's your responsibility to confirm the type of test you need.
How can I find clinics near me?
You can find clinics close to your location by using our map view. Click on the button on the top right corner to share your current location and we will show the clinics closest to you.
How often do you update the information on this page?

Clinics and their prices are updated every few days. We use a combination of automatic checks and user feedback to detect changes on the clinics websites, and update PCR Priser accordingly.

If you own a clinic, reach out to us so you can claim your clinic on PCR Priser and make changes to the information whenever you want. PCR Priser is not responsible for eventual inaccurate data. The information shown might not be accurate by the time you access the clinic's website. Check always the clinic's website to confirm price and conditions.

How are the clinics sorted?
Clinics are regularly ordered by price, so you can find he clinics offering more affordable tests higher on the page. We also give clinics the opportunity to be promoted on PCR Priser, appearing earlier in the listing.
I have found an error on the page. How can I report it?
You can reach out to us through the contact form. Tell us what's wrong and we'll fix it shortly. Thanks in advance!
I own a clinic and would like to add it to the website. How can I proceed?
Publishing your clinic has no cost. You can read more about PCR Priser and how to get your clinic included on our "Add a Clinic" page.